
There must be more . . .

That thought has haunted me for most of my Christian life. And my own longings have often felt like a sure road to disappointment, not a “divine summons”. With almost three decades of ministry behind me, the journey to “more” has been full of fits and starts.

Nothing has been more helpful than a trusted friend, a guide into the interior of my own soul. Whether that be a book, a podcast or real, live person, sacred companions can help traverse that sometimes-lonely, sometimes-confusing road.

I believe that Spiritual Formation has many components (grace! time!) but significant pillars are: Self-Awareness and God-Awareness. A healthy journey in Self-Awareness leads to freedom from unhelpful patterns. And a healthy journey in God-Awareness invites a greater union with the Trinity.

Both require intentionality, gentle patience, and guidance.

Spiritual Formation helps us reclaim our relationship with God as it was meant to be. It’s not trying – it’s training in eternal living, determined discipleship to Jesus Christ, and the way we discover the renewable source of spiritual energy we’ve been looking for (2 Cor 4:16).


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